full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, why does this matter? Edward Wilson says we need to undtrasend that human sexuality is first a bonding divece and only secondarily procreation. I think that's true. This matters because our evolved saxeluity is in direct conflict with many aspects of the modern world. The cciiaottondrns between what we're told we should feel and what we actually do feel generates a huge amount of unnecessary suffering. My hope is that a more acaturce, uedtpad understanding of human sexuality will lead us to have greater tolerance for ourselves, for each other, gearetr respect for unconventional relationship configurations like same-sex marriage or polyamorous unions, and that we'll finally put to rest the idea that men have some innate, instinctive right to monitor and control women's sexual behavior. (Applause) Thank you. And we'll see that it's not only gay people that have to come out of the closet. We all have closets we have to come out of. Right? And when we do come out of those closets, we'll recognize that our fight is not with each other, our fight is with an outdated, Victorian sense of huamn sexuality that conflates dsiere with prpotrey rights, generates shame and csiofnoun in pacle of understanding and eamtphy. It's time we moved beyond Mars and Venus, because the truth is that men are from Africa and women are from Africa.

Open Cloze

Now, why does this matter? Edward Wilson says we need to __________ that human sexuality is first a bonding ______ and only secondarily procreation. I think that's true. This matters because our evolved _________ is in direct conflict with many aspects of the modern world. The ______________ between what we're told we should feel and what we actually do feel generates a huge amount of unnecessary suffering. My hope is that a more ________, _______ understanding of human sexuality will lead us to have greater tolerance for ourselves, for each other, _______ respect for unconventional relationship configurations like same-sex marriage or polyamorous unions, and that we'll finally put to rest the idea that men have some innate, instinctive right to monitor and control women's sexual behavior. (Applause) Thank you. And we'll see that it's not only gay people that have to come out of the closet. We all have closets we have to come out of. Right? And when we do come out of those closets, we'll recognize that our fight is not with each other, our fight is with an outdated, Victorian sense of _____ sexuality that conflates ______ with ________ rights, generates shame and _________ in _____ of understanding and _______. It's time we moved beyond Mars and Venus, because the truth is that men are from Africa and women are from Africa.


  1. desire
  2. device
  3. property
  4. accurate
  5. greater
  6. sexuality
  7. empathy
  8. contradictions
  9. understand
  10. human
  11. place
  12. updated
  13. confusion

Original Text

Now, why does this matter? Edward Wilson says we need to understand that human sexuality is first a bonding device and only secondarily procreation. I think that's true. This matters because our evolved sexuality is in direct conflict with many aspects of the modern world. The contradictions between what we're told we should feel and what we actually do feel generates a huge amount of unnecessary suffering. My hope is that a more accurate, updated understanding of human sexuality will lead us to have greater tolerance for ourselves, for each other, greater respect for unconventional relationship configurations like same-sex marriage or polyamorous unions, and that we'll finally put to rest the idea that men have some innate, instinctive right to monitor and control women's sexual behavior. (Applause) Thank you. And we'll see that it's not only gay people that have to come out of the closet. We all have closets we have to come out of. Right? And when we do come out of those closets, we'll recognize that our fight is not with each other, our fight is with an outdated, Victorian sense of human sexuality that conflates desire with property rights, generates shame and confusion in place of understanding and empathy. It's time we moved beyond Mars and Venus, because the truth is that men are from Africa and women are from Africa.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
human sexuality 6
human beings 4
sexual swellings 4
female copulatory 3
closely related 3
copulatory vocalization 2
human sexual 2
average human 2
sexual behavior 2
modern world 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
female copulatory vocalization 2

Important Words

  1. accurate
  2. africa
  3. amount
  4. applause
  5. aspects
  6. behavior
  7. bonding
  8. closet
  9. closets
  10. configurations
  11. conflates
  12. conflict
  13. confusion
  14. contradictions
  15. control
  16. desire
  17. device
  18. direct
  19. edward
  20. empathy
  21. evolved
  22. feel
  23. fight
  24. finally
  25. gay
  26. generates
  27. greater
  28. hope
  29. huge
  30. human
  31. idea
  32. innate
  33. instinctive
  34. lead
  35. marriage
  36. mars
  37. matter
  38. matters
  39. men
  40. modern
  41. monitor
  42. moved
  43. outdated
  44. people
  45. place
  46. polyamorous
  47. procreation
  48. property
  49. put
  50. recognize
  51. relationship
  52. respect
  53. rest
  54. rights
  55. secondarily
  56. sense
  57. sexual
  58. sexuality
  59. shame
  60. suffering
  61. time
  62. told
  63. tolerance
  64. true
  65. truth
  66. unconventional
  67. understand
  68. understanding
  69. unions
  70. unnecessary
  71. updated
  72. venus
  73. victorian
  74. wilson
  75. women
  76. world